Thankful! Thanks!

♥♥♥♥♥♥ Thanks… For the smell of grass, the morning sun, the feeling of my clothes against my muscles and well… against those areas where the muscles are not so apparent (lol). For the shoes that protect my feet, and the ones that hurt them too! For the breeze that caresses my cheeks and even the cold one that seems to cut the skin on a winter's day.

For the struggles and the opportunities to support myself and perhaps another, even when it's been unexpected. For the smiles I am able to provide and the ones I am able to carry with me as presents. For the love of my family and the wonderful issues we all face! For the love I have felt and the betrayals I have faced that make me stronger and even gentler, with others and with myself.

For the delicious meals I have savored, the places I have visited, the friends I get to keep, the ones not so close any longer, and the ones I only talk to once a year. For the skills I have gathered, the talent I posses and the abilities I am sill nurturing. For the doubts that make me question things, and the truth I finally find, for the character I posses and the weaknesses that make me so human.

For my lovely little companions that I miss so much! For the barks and the meowing which sometimes wake me up. For the playfulness I carry and the lightheartedness I feel. For the deep thoughts and the deep feelings I treasure and the angry moments I let go of at times. For the laughter, the tears, the challenges and the blessings.

I am thankful for the person I have become and the person I am going to be. Have a wonderful thanksgiving and count your blessings, they are many.



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