
When loneliness strikes and holds you in her cruel grip, there is nothing you can do to shrug her. Each moment she is present is crude, an instant void. Every effort is futile; you put forth everything you’ve got to bring a smile to your face. You know everything will be okay in the morning; you have faith on who you are and what you have to offer, what love you have to give… but in that moment, she has a hold, and she squeezes hard, testing every fiber in your body. What are you really made of??? Do you really know if everything will be ok?

You laugh at her and you reassure her with a tearful eye that she can’t hurt you. She’s a jealous, thunderous, imposing bitch! And holds even tighter; and you feel her in your stomach, your heart skips a beat, your throat cracks a note. And with all the patience you possess, you tell her once again her strength is not enough to hold you through the way. Night will fall and sleep will take over making her lose her balance, her will no longer in existence. But insomnia helps her, and your subconscious leaves you just for a moment… your mind plays tricks on you.

You reach out for your Soul. The only one who can tell her off – the only one who can keep you company and show you the way. The only one who can hold your hand, pull you close to its heart and remind you that your love will shine through one day. Your Soul chuckles and reminds you how silly you are truly being – how can you doubt your Self? Silly you! You forgot how beautiful you are… You let rejection, pain, fear and memories play tricks on you...

You let loneliness in – and you took in new faces, new words, words that rang so familiar, play games in your mind… You let memories of passing, fake laughter deceive you. That you will be alone again, that you will never find someone that special again, that no one will hold you close and let you in… you let her play inside your head. You forgot that loneliness only plays and holds tight because she hates being alone herself. Poor thing…....

You realize her pain and you realize her love for you… Your Soul sees her pain and tells her everything will be just beautiful. She never knew… your Soul embraces her; there is no room for doubt, no room for the fury she carries inside. Her fears subside, her head drops and sleep sets in. You love her and hold her as tight as she once held you, bring her in and teach her how to love.....

Your Soul has won; it shows her the way... Sleep...


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