Eons of Love

Lifetimes ago I met you. Yet, I failed to recognize where I belonged. Or did I? Perhaps, it was that troubled and in denial, I denied my *Self and my love… not yet remembering the memories of past, I tried to run the other way. Tried I did, you know I did - futile efforts, futile efforts still. With one word and one smile you brought me back to life. I don’t yet remember it all, but in my heart I know it was the same the first time too. You enveloped me within your embrace, making us gods within our realm. Uplifting our very essence, you loved us first, and in return, I lifted my arms and served as the vessel for your gift. Eons, it seems, how can I remember? Like spirits we roamed, colors around us that made us laugh, space and time could not stop us. The galaxy held us, the starts smiled upon us like watchful neighbors of our love. They danced with us – a protective force around us, keeping the bitterness and foul play away. We knew it was eternal; we know it still. But how can we remember? How do we bring it back to what it was and what we feel? A portal, a window, a trigger that would take us back, that’s what we need. To return to the other side, barefoot, giggling, like children running in the woods. Nature’s playground through the trees, trails that lead us to the sun, to the shore, to the sand, water running through our feet. Echoing voices; are they are own? Then how come I don’t see your lips move? The words possess me, linger in my ears, enter through my skin, lift me to the skies… I am moved. You run slowly around me, watching me laugh, playing with the falling leaves, making a swirl of nature and love intertwined. Whirlwind; dizzy; about to fall, you catch me. . . embrace of white clouds and light. Are we dancing? Or is that lovemaking from the other side? *****picture from: http://www.fractalsciencekit.com/gallery/steinerchn.htm


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