How Could He Have Known?
Written: May 9, 2014 at 10:22pm
How could he have known the power of his beauty? How could he have known I would fall for the clarity of his eyes? I cannot blame him for not understanding the impact of his taste in my mouth; the heat of his touch on my skin, or the essence of his soul on my tongue.
There was no way for him to know my heart was completely open when he came. I concealed it entirely behind my swollen breasts, my nipples only spoke of the hard strength I never possessed to fend him off. The heat of my hands only warmed his soul, my insides burning with the anticipation of his strength. It was simple, really. It looked so different than either of us expected. Love was already there, as if we had planted it before this time, unbeknownst to us in this reality, from another time, another place. Its presence only felt and slowly revealed among the sluggish growing pains it brought within itself.
Really? How was he to know? How was he to know I was more than ready to receive him? He could not have understood I was more than willing to let the rivers of my soul spill unto his life - the ocean of my hidden life splashing violently almost drowning him with pleasure. But he withstood it.
He could not have known, but welcomed all my madness, all the beauty masked as the most horrid thirst any live being could ever take. He almost looked for it, ravishing each and every bite. He was craving the very thing he had always feared. The lake was warm and foggy, tantalizing every fiber, enthralling. The both of us hypnotized in an oscillating breath that danced outside ourselves, floating over the vast ripples of emotions.
It was occult, a mystery that only time would bring to clarity. He could not have known; I cannot blame him. I barely understood myself that he brought forth all the things I tried so hard to conceal. How was he to know when the veil was over my eyes as well? I only lifted it to let the light of his eyes enter the depth of me.
He could not have known; I was already his, blinded and taken by the splendor of his love.
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